Our live professionals will proofread your presentation 24/7 and make sure you sound perfect!
Pozycja zaktualizowana:21 grudnia 2022
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Use eAngel Grammar Check for Google Slides™ Add-On to get human grammar and spelling suggestions in order to improve your Slides.

Press Send For Proofreading and your presentation will be sent to our live professionals immediately.

How to install?

1. Inside Google Slides, click Extensions (or Add Ons) in the top menu
2. Click Add Ons -> Get Add Ons
3. Search for eAngel Grammar Check for Google Slides™
4. Choose the item, click Install, and approve the following screens
5. Once installed, from the top Extensions menu, choose the eAngel Grammar Check for Google Slides™, and then the eAngel Log In Settings
6. If your email is not there, fill it in
7. If you already have an eAngel password, fill it in. If not, you can leave it blank for the first few free trial texts
8. Click Save Settings, and then Send Full Presentation for Proofreading

Once the task is complete, you will get to your email the corrected version, plus the tracked changes.

For any feedback or support, please write to us on our website: https://eangel.me

By installing the add-on, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy: https://eangel.me/terms-conditions

You get 300 words for free. 
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