Easy Messaging is an add-on to customize SMS message and send in batch.
Дата оновлення:5 вересня 2023 р.
15 тис.+
The goal of Easy Messaging is to simplify the repeated work of sending messages and save user’s time in use cases of digital marketing, SMS Text remainder, notifications, etc by sending bulk messages.

The features in Easy Messaging include:
* Customize SMS text message template by using data from your spreadsheet
* Materialize actual SMS message and preview that before sending
* Send the SMS message to your customers 
* Support small, large or huge groups of mobile devices
* Inline or separate the message sent status
* Straightforward two steps UI to send out your messages
* 20 Free credits to try out
* In App stripe based purchase
* Pay as you go
* Optimized network usage to maximize text delivery

Perfect SMS texting tool for wide spread use cases in mind
* SMS Reminder
* Appointment Remainders
* Event remainder
* Digital marketing
* Small Businesses
* Schools
* Daycares
* Startups
* Charities
* Churches
* Sports Teams

Easy Messaging is the most user friendly and most affordable SMS sending service from Google Sheets among other great apps, such as chromebookInventory, Stupeflix, MathType, Doc Appender, Power Tools, PlanbookEdu, Bark, PowerSchool, Nearpod, Super Quiz, Slido, MindMup, Lucidpress, Form Mule, VoiceThread, LumApps, BetterCloud, YAMM, Spanning Backup, Digication, Grackle Docs, Form Ranger, EasyBib, DocuSign eSignature, Drag, Colaboratory, Yet Another Mail Merge ,SketchUp for Schools, Asana, Mailmeteor, GAT+, SysCloud Security, Mindomo, diagrams.net, MindMeister, BrainPOP, Cisco Webex, Kami, Screencastify,  Wrike, Mojo Helpdesk, Kaizena, JoeZoo Express, Backupify, Appsheet, Kabanchi, Timify.me, gPanel, Flubaroo, Hapara Teacher, Form Publisher, Slack, Sketchboard, Smartsheet, Zapier, GQueues, AODocs, Certify'em, Easy Accents, StackEdit, Mavenlink, DocHub, Choice Eliminator, Pixton for Schools, SMART Learning Suite, Pear Deck, Doctopus, EasyBib, LucidChart Diagrams, GoFileDrop, PerformFlow, NoodleTools, Zoom,Text gBlaster, formLimiter, Form Publisher, Awesome Table and more...
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Додатку Easy Messaging буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Easy Messaging зможе:
Перегляд, створення, редагування й видалення всіх ваших Google Таблиць
Показуйте веб-вміст третіх сторін у підказках і на бічних панелях у додатках Google
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