This application will allow you to use Google Sheets to manage IBC metadata.
Oppføring oppdatert:5. oktober 2024
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This application provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) in the form of a side panel addon that allows for easy and automated tasks to make building and editing your IBC easier. 

The window provides two navigation panes; the top pane is for performing various actions on the Google Sheet and the bottom pane is for setting and modifying the data and other options of the selected cell.The top navigation pane also contains a tooltip description (shown on mouse hover) that describes the specific action of that button.

In the top panel, the 'Edit' tab provides CRUD functionality for formatting cells as various field types, clearing any formats, assigning IDs, and deleting Outcome Templates, Common Assumptions, or Tables.
The 'Create' tab gives access for creating and publishing Outcome Templates and moving data to/from the OT Summary/Line Items, and OT Template pages.
The 'Upload' tab contains the functionality for publishing the Outcome Templates (by creating a snapshot copy of the current Google Sheet and saving to the users Google Drive directory) and notifying the Ecosystems admin (via Email) that the IBC is ready to be published and uploaded to your VMO.
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