Go beyond Forms with 60+ technology-enhanced question types! Find customizable assignments aligned to your state standards for student practice.
150 тис.+
Give students standards-based practice and get instant feedback. Choose from 60 technology-enhanced question types aligned to SBAC, PARCC, AIR, ACT Aspire, and FSA.  Free up your time with autograding. 

Respond immediately to data by using the live assignment dashboard. Quickly score teacher-graded questions with digital rubrics and bonus point features. View a summary report of scores by question or standard, and easily import them into your grading system.

Use multimedia resources (video, audio, images, simulations) to provide a richer experience for students. Easily include links from YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, TeacherTube, PhET, etc. in your assignment.

Find thousands of teacher-created assignments in the Edcite library. You can mix-and-match questions from several assignments to create your own easily. Also, you can contribute your assignments to the public library to share with other teachers.
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