The best way to practice math. Create math homework, quizzes, or tests from 6,000+ questions.
Дата оновлення:7 лютого 2025 р.
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Transform the way your students engage with mathematics with Edia. Designed for teachers and students from 4th to 12th grade, Edia is a robust educational tool that makes teaching and learning efficient and enjoyable. With a library of over 6,000 questions and explanations, Edia provides challenging and curriculum-aligned content that meets different student needs and educational standards.

Edia's content is aligned with multiple state standards, including the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Virginia Standards of Learning (VASOL), and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Edia integrates into your curriculum, ensuring your students are on the right path to achieving educational success.

- With a database spanning grades 4 through 12, Edia supports a diverse range of mathematical topics and complexities.
- Say goodbye to the countless hours spent checking papers. Edia’s automatic grading system instantly assesses student submissions, providing immediate feedback and allowing for more instructional time to address learning gaps.
- Edia offers full functionality in over 100 languages, ensuring every student has access to quality math education in their preferred language.
- Teachers save over 5 hours per week on average, time that can be redirected towards enriching the classroom experience and personalizing student learning interventions.
- Schools employing Edia report a 100% improvement rate in End-of-Course (EOC) exam results, demonstrating Edia’s effectiveness in boosting students' academic achievement.

Best of all, Edia is completely free to use! Join the thousands of teachers and schools who have revolutionized their teaching approach with Edia. Enhance your educational experience, save time, and see your students excel in math.
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