Effort brings the planner and journal into one digital notebook providing a home base for all planning and recording activities.
Ficha actualizada:21 de noviembre de 2024
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Effort is more than just a digital notebook; it's your command center for success. It combines the familiarity and flexibility of Google Sheets™ with powerful features to organize, track, and visualize your journey towards your goals.

Effort empowers you to:
• Capture everything: Effort effortlessly timestamps your tasks and activities, providing a clear record of your progress.
• Organize your life: Create a structure that works for you. Effort lets you define Pillars (e.g., personal, professional), Categories (e.g., work, hobbies), and Goals (e.g., learning a new skill, completing a project) to keep you organized.
• Prioritize effectively: Assign difficulty levels to tasks, allowing you to plan your workload and optimize your time.
• Stay on top of your progress: Effort provides a dynamic daily dashboard that keeps you informed about your completed tasks and overall progress.
• Embrace a holistic approach: Effort goes beyond tasks. It offers a dedicated space for journal entries, allowing you to reflect on your experiences and track your personal growth.
• Freeform: Effort's customizable formulas let you track and log anything you find interesting,
Motivation: its "harvest plot" feature anticipates the future benefits of your hard work, keeping you motivated and inspired.

Effort is designed for:
• Note-takers: Effort provides a flexible canvas for capturing ideas, thoughts, and plans.
• Journalers: Effort offers a safe space to reflect on your experiences and track your personal journey.
• Go-getters: Effort equips you with the tools to organize your goals, prioritize tasks, and achieve success.

With Effort, you can do more than just manage your tasks; you can manage your journey to a fulfilling and productive life.

Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
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