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Sends confirmation emails to users after they submit the form. Send emails to different people based on form answers. Send Webhooks, SMS, Slack, Discord or Google Chat notifications on form submit.
With Email Notifications for Google Forms™, you can automatically send email messages every time a respondent submits your form. You can notify the form respondent, your team members, or create notification rules and send emails to different people based on the form answers.

The notification emails can be customized and you can include any of the form fields, including Quiz scores, in the email subject or the email body using the {{form field title}} notation. You can also send emails in HTML for professional emails.

The forms add-on can also send instant push notifications to your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone when a new form is submitted. The mobile notification can include answers to form questions submitted by the respondent.

If you have included any File Upload fields in your Google Form™, the email notification will include links to the uploaded file in your Google Drive. Thus you can directly open the files from the email itself without having to find them in the Drive.

You can also include dynamic barcodes and QR codes in email messages generated from form answers.

* Send files to the respondent after they submit a form. You may attach PDF, Microsoft Offic, Music, Video, Zip Archives and other files from Google Drive.

* Send Form Data as Webhooks to an external web service.

* In addition to email notifications, the add-on can also send SMS text messages on form submit. For instance, the app can notify parents on their phones when students submit the school form.

* Notify Slack, Discord, Google Chat servers when a new form is submitted.

To learn more, check the help center and tutorials at https://digitalinspiration.com/docs/GA08


## Uses of the Email Notifications Add-on for Google Forms™

1. Send confirmation emails to customers when they fill your contact form
2. Save leads in your CRM by forwarding the form responses in emails
3. Teachers can send acknowledgments to parents when students fill the form
4. Get real-time notifications on your mobile phone when a new form is submitted
5. Send coupon codes, event tickets, invites, product codes using QR codes and Barcode
6. Provide a free PDF ebook or MP3 file to form respondents after they submit the form

## Premium Benefits

Compare free with premium at https://digitalinspiration.com/docs/form-notifications/google-forms-premium

You can email up to 20 form responses per day with the free edition. Premium users on Google Workspace can send up to 1500 email responses per day while Gmail users can create up to 400 form responses daily. Gmail resets the limit once every 24 hours.

Premium users can create conditional rules and send customized emails to different people depending on the user's selection in the form. Conditions can be simple (like when the customer selects iPhone, send an email to iPhone support team) or you can use RegEx for specifying more complex conditions (like send emails to the Asia Pacific group when the selected country is Japan or Singapore).

The add-on branding (Sent via) is removed in the email notifications of premium users.

Premium users have the option to include email addresses in the CC or BCC fields including support for dynamic email fields computed from form answers.

Premium users can export rules from Google Forms and they can be imported into another form thus saving you the effort to write a new notification rule from scratch.

Premium Upgrade available at https://digitalinspiration.com/GA08


## Google Forms™ Troubleshooting

If you are not receiving email notifications for new form submissions, please try the following steps:

1. The notification add-on sends emails through your Gmail account. Thus you need to have the Gmail service enabled for your Google Account.

2. Ensure that your daily email limit is not zero.

3. Ensure that you are not using multiple notification add-ons. Go to your forms' add-on menu and ensure that "Email Notifications for Forms" is available. You can remove other notification add-ons.

4. Go to the add-on menu and choose Restart Add-on. This will reinitialize the email sending triggers for the form.

5. If you have Google Apps for Education or Google Apps (free legacy edition), you would need to enable the Gmail service for your domain.

6. Are are logged into multiple Google accounts in the same browser? Open Google Chrome, go to the menu and choose New Incognito Window. Here open the same Google Form in edit view and try adding a rule.

If you still have issues, send the debug logs from the add-ons menu.

## Multiple Notifications Issue

If you are getting multiple email notifications for every new form submission, please go to the Troubleshooting menu and choose Restart Notifications. If the issue is not resolved, go to https://digitalinspiration.support for support.

## Google Forms Tips:

A: If you use Salesforce, Insightly, Hubspot or another CRM, you can redirect all form submissions to the CRM with this add-on. Just get the email address for posting leads to your CRM and set up a notification rule that forwards all form responses to that email address.

## Changelog and Release Notes

v300 (November 28, 2024) - Send notifications to Slack, Discord, SMS or Google Chat on form submit.

v215 (December 30, 2020) - Connect Google Forms with webhooks. Send Google Form responses immediately to any web service through HTTP webhooks. Send form entries as JSON, Text, Form Data or XML formats.

v214 (December 25, 2020) - Send file attachments from Google Drive after a form is submitted. Attach PDF ebooks, Microsoft Office files, MP3 downloads, software utilities and other binary files to the autoresponder email.

v213 (December 1, 2020) - You can now import and export email notification rules.

v212 (November 23, 2020) - Launched new help center for Google Form Notifications at https://digitalinspiration.com/docs/GA08

v211 (October 02, 2020) - Added support for dynamic barcode and QR codes in email notifications based on form answers. Email validation algorithm improved.

v210 (May 17, 2020) - Send conditional email notifications based on quiz scores of students in Google Forms. Improved the integrated Form Limiter that helps you open and close Google Forms on schedule.

v209 (May 2, 2020) - Added option to specify a fallback email address of the user to notification when the form response does not match any of the specified conditions in the Google Form. Switch to ES5 since V8 has some unresolved issues with triggers.

v208 (Mar 1, 2020) - Major release. Completely rewritten the Google Forms app for Chrome V8 which makes it faster and better.

v207 (Sep 5, 2019) - Google Security Assessment complete. Scopes updated to reduce the number of permissions requested by the app.

v205 (Jan 7, 2018) - Added option to include Google Form Quiz Scores in Email Notifications. Use markers {{Quiz Score}}, {{Total Quiz Score}} and {{Quiz Score Percent}} in email message body. The table rows are highlighted red or green based on the correctness of the quiz answer.

v204 (Dec 25, 2018) - Added Google Form Limiter to help you set limits on your form. Open and close Google Form automatically at a specific date and time.

v200 (Dec 03, 2018) - Support for rich push mobile notifications via IFTTT. Better support for resending old email notifications. Improved event handling for debugging form responses. Added support for CC and BCC addresses in the premium version. Migrated to ES6. Email notifications can be sent via the MailApp service for GSuite domains where Gmail is unavailable.

v180 (Feb 21, 2018) - Improved conditional email notifications for sending email responses to multiple people based on user's answers.
v177 (Jan 23, 2018) - New YouTube video tutorial added. Checks added for Gmail service and third-party cookies. Gmail is only required for higher email quota for Google Forms addon.
v162 (Dec 18,2017) - If the third-party cookies were disabled in Google Chrome, the templates were not getting saved. This is now resolved. Image uploading capabilities integrated in email editor.
v150 (Nov 28, 2017) - Create notification email templates in visual (WYSIWYG) mode or write your own HTML emails.
v132 (Nov 20, 2017) - Major Upgrade. Add an Email Designer for creating notification emails, upload logos and other images in your emails directly from the add-on. Send emails from a generic no-reply email address. Option to remove the branding mark from emails. Rewritten the module for sending conditional notifications. Add names to individual rules for easy identification
v131 (Oct 16, 2017) - Added support for Checkbox Grid, File Uploads in Google Forms and List Items. Questions of type TIME are nicely formatted. Bug Fixes
v128 (Sep 27, 2017) - Knowledge base available at https://digitalinspiration.com/docs/GA08
v115 (July 5, 2017) - Improved formatting of the HTML table for displaying form responses. Added StackDriver console logging for improved error tracking.
v109 (May 27, 2017) - The answers table in the email notification now groups answers by sections or pages for better readability.
v102 (May 3, 2017) - Added option to manually resend email notifications to previous form responses.
v99 (April 2, 2017) - Set up email notification based on form answers.
v94 (Feb 22, 2017) - Added support for File Upload in Google Forms. The link in the email notifications will directly point to the uploaded file in the Google Drive of the form owner.
v90 (Feb 19, 2017) - Added option to specify reply-to address for email notifications. Switched from military time to human readable time. Dates formatted in your specified format. Added checks to ensure form notifications are sent when triggers are inactive.
v82 (Jan 14, 2017) - Added option to temporarily disable form notifications. Bug fixes.
v75 (Dec 15, 2016) - Mobile notifications for Google Forms, powered by IFTTT.
v63 (November 18, 2016) Increased daily email sending limit for Gmail users from 50 to 400 emails per day. Email reminder sent to form owner when daily limit is exhausted.
v56 (November 2, 2016) Use your preferred datetime formats for Response Date. Update the default timezone of the form responses.
v55 (September 9, 2016) Response dates are now correctly captured in the form owner's local timezone.
v53 (August 23, 2016) Restart option added, bug fixes, improved debug log, switched to new activation screen.
v50 (July 19, 2016) If your Google Forms is collecting respondents' email addresses, you can use the {{Username}} field to include the collected email into form notification.
v40 (April 20, 2016) Email notifications neatly formats responses to checkboxes, multiple grid, and linear scale questions.
v30 (April 15, 2016) Added support for non-English characters (accents, umlauts, foreign languages). Use the variable {{Username}} to include the respondent's email in the form body (if available).
v20 (April 12, 2016) Send debug logs to the developer for troubleshooting. Bugfix related to editing email notification rules.
v12 (March 14, 2016) Added support for the multiple-choice grid in email notifications.
プライバシー ポリシー
Email Notifications for Google Forms™ は以下の権限をリクエストします。詳細
Email Notifications for Google Forms™ は、ご使用の Google アカウントにアクセスする必要があります
この操作を行うと、Email Notifications for Google Forms™ に次の権限が付与されます。
Google ドライブのフォームの表示と管理
Gmail のメール設定とフィルタの参照、編集、作成、変更
Google アプリケーション内のプロンプトとサイドバーで、サードパーティのウェブコンテンツを表示、実行します
Google アカウントのメインのメールアドレスの参照
レビューや評価を Google が確認することはありません。 レビューの詳細
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sara yamazaki
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福永 恵
非常に使いやすく、利用価値の高いアドオンでした。 自動返信メールが設定できるので、お申し込み内容の控えに加えてこちらからインフォメーションしたいことを追記してご案内でき、送信アドレスも設定できるので、フォームメーラーや、フォームズのような有料サービスを使わずとも十分運用できるツールになりました。 しっかり活用していこうと思いますが、是非日本語化していただき、より多くの方が使えるようになると良いなと思います。
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いままで、問題なく動いていたのですが、Cromeでたまたま、マルチアカウントでログインをしてしまった為、エラーになりました。サポートにヘルプをしましたら、親切丁寧に回答いただきすぐに解決いたしました。難しいスクリプトなど知らなくても、十分使えるアプリケーションです。 ありがとうございました。
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It was obvious which was the wiser choice, to waste several hours of my life or to install this application. I use this for automatic reply to questionnaires about an equipment assignment in a university twice a year. Now, I can't do my task without this simple and powerful one. It is needless of using any code. Once I had some unclear points by my carelessness, but when I emailed the support, they gave me instant and helpful answers many times. I totally appreciate the developers.
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masahiro fujinaka
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369 obihiro
自動返信メールを作成して「Save」しましたが、どこに保存されているのでしょうか? まったくわかりません。
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saori h.
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祐天寺NAGOMI HOUSE 日本文化体験
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