Fast | Cheap | Accurate email verification and finding service
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Find and verify emails directly from Google Sheets

Email Verification: As low as 0.002$ per verification  
Email Finder: As low as 0.004$ for one verified email 

This is the lowest price you will ever find in the industry with a 98% accuracy rate.

Only pay for verified emails
Lowest price in the industry
Bulk email finder on LinkedIn 
Real-time and up to date information
Over 1.2 billion people
and 200 million company profiles

Our Powerful algorithm removes invalid emails and prevents your emails from going to the spam folder.

All that so you can focus on what really matters: Selling!

Why MailFind?

➤ Lowest price in the market
➤ Save time and find leads at scale with the extension.
➤ The extension allows you to find links in bulk on the LinkedIn page
➤ Make sure your emails land in the Inbox. We give you only valid emails.


Only 20$ for 1k verified emails, 40$ for 5k emails, & 90$ for 20K Emails.
Pay only for verified and valid emails ( which is verified in realtime) 


Use Cases
You can use MailFind in many different ways, some use cases:

➤Find and Send bulk emails to your clients, partners or prospects, whether you are part of a large enterprise corporate or running a small business (marketplace, eCommerce...) 
➤For A newsletter business, verify your email list periodically. 
➤ Job hunt: Find the emails of recruiting managers and contact them directly bypassing the resume list. 
➤ Manage PR campaigns by contacting journalists or influencers.
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PricingNot available
Trader status unspecified
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Email Verifier & Finder will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Email Verifier & Finder will need access to your Google account
This will allow Email Verifier & Finder to :
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
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See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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