Insert in-text citations while simultaneously creating a bibliography with the Cite While You Write™ feature in Google Docs™.
Ändrades senast:23 december 2024
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406 tn+
Our best-in-class Cite While You Write™ tool makes it easy to insert your EndNote™ references into your document. Cite While You Write automatically creates, formats, and reformats in-text citations and reference lists. ​
Cite Wile You Write has a direct integration with your EndNote 21 Web account.

EndNote Cite While You Write add-on has a native integration with Google Docs™ and is the perfect tool for collaboration with your research colleagues. It allows you to pool your references with your collaborators' references.

Limited Use Requirement Disclosure
EndNote Cite While You Write's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy [1], including the Limited Use requirements.

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