Quickly generate endnotes from footnotes in your Google Doc.
Ficha actualizada:18 de septiembre de 2023
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Información general
Google Docs don't allow you to automatically insert endnotes while writing. This AddOn converts any footnotes you have into endnotes and adds them to the end of the document in order.

** Important note on usage**
When your endnotes are created, the original footnote references are lost. This means you cannot go back and add footnotes and rerun the Addon. If you need to edit after you create the endnotes (adding footnotes, in particular) you need to revert to a previous version to restore the footnotes.

Recent updates:

v0.6.1 If you have custom formatting in your footnotes, that formatting is maintained when you create the endnotes. If you have line breaks in your footnotes, only the first paragraph's formatting is kept.

v0.6 Creating endnotes will now add cross-referenced links. Endnotes also handle images correctly. Thanks to merlinran for providing this update!

v0.5.1 Limit AddOn access to current document only. Privacy details are listed at https://ohheybrian.com/privacy/endnotes.html

v0.5 Images and Drawings are now retained when converting.

v0.4.7 Endnotes now retain formatting.

v0.4 Fixed a problem where the menu wasn't adding the "Run" command.
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31 de marzo de 2020
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