Your financial life in a Google Spreadsheet, automatically updated each day. Includes templates for personal finance and business.
Fortegnelse opdateret:17. oktober 2022
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The Envelope Budget add-on combines the the Tiller Money Budget Template and the popular AutoCat tool to unlock powerful personal-finance workflows in Google Sheets. 

Included with the Envelope Budget add-on:

► Tiller Budget, a complete and highly customizable Google Sheets budgeting solution for personal finance. Includes powerful automated tracking and rollover features. With Tiller Budget, you can manage your money in a spreadsheet faster, easier, and with the greatest control. 

With the Tiller Budget, you can create your own budgeting strategies, or follow the popular Envelope or Zero-sum methods. Track spending with ultra-customizable categories. Set savings targets in multiple categories. Use dynamic budget and rollover adjustment shortcuts. Set budgets for past and future time periods, and track multiple concurrent budgets. All based on your current financial data.

► AutoCat, a powerful tool for categorizing transactions your way. Easily create rules based on descriptions, accounts, or amounts to ensure recurring transactions are assigned just the right categories.  AutoCat gives you the convenience of automation balanced with fine-grained control.
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