Edit and add in math formulas inside Google Documents/Google Slides. Write math formulas for homework, exams and teaching materials.
Oppføring oppdatert:7. mars 2023
Fungerer med:
1 mill.+
Our app is a free online add on to add and edit math formulas. You need to prepare for for your studies, exams and teaching materials. 

Ever wanted a simple method to write math equations without having to use another app/software? Our addon will help you to write math equations easily on the computer. 

You can add and edit math formulas very simply and intuitively, then save the output file as png file format and insert this math equation image to your Google Docs/Google Slides.

To begin using the software, simply do the following. Click on Addons - Equation Editor for Maths - and our addon sidebar will open up. Choose the math symbols you need to use to begin writing out your math equation. Once you have finished writing out your math equation, press the save button and our software will save this math equation as an image.
Common Math Symbols which are provided include:
Greater then or equal to
Square Root
To the power of
and much more...

This is a lite, free & flexible LaTeX editor app for your Google Documents, Slide, Sheet.
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