ES Custom Dictionary Builder is a Google Docs add-on that allows user to create custom dictionaries by importing words from different Google Docs file. The resulting dictionary can easily be exported from Google Spreadsheet for further use.
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Elmi Spektr (ES) Custom Dictionary Builder is a tool for creating dictionaries in Google Spreadsheet directly from Google Docs files. Browse your docs and add terms that you want to collect using this add-on.


- Create custom dictionary in spreadsheet format without scrolling in the document or leaving the document.
- Tracing the source of document from which the words were sent to the dictionary ("File" column in the spreadsheet) which allows easy indexing in book projects.
- Easy interface to add lots of details for each term quickly.
- Ability to gather words from different documents. As long as people have edit access to the dictionary file that is being generated, anybody you want can add terms from absolutely any file in google docs.
- Timestamp indicating when each entry was added.

To use the add-on please watch the instructional video or follow the following simple instructions:

1) Start the add-on from Add-on menu in GDocs.
2) On sidebar, press "select file" to either create a new dictionary file or continue using pre-existing spreadsheet.
3) Highlight the term you want to add to dictionary and press "select the word"
4) Add information about the term and press "Add to dictionary" to send the information to spreadsheet.
5) Spreadsheet is located in the root directory. You can search and find this file easily using search function in Google Drive. Once inside the file, you can also move it to any directory you want inside the Google Drive.

This add-on is a by-product of Habitat translation project by Elmi Spektr. Our goal is to translate scientific textbooks into Azerbaijani and develop tools and methods to make it easy for people who have similar goals both in Azerbaijan and around the world.
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