ESET Cloud Office Security provides advanced protection for Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 apps, with ultimate zero-day threat defense.
Данные обновлены:11 сентября 2023 г.
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Extra protect your collaboration tools

ESET’s powerful combination of spam filtering, anti-malware scanning, anti-phishing and cloud sandboxing helps protect your company communications against infections, minimizes any work disruption due to unsolicited messages. Proactive cloud-based security technology utilizes advanced adaptive scanning, cutting-edge machine learning, cloud sandboxing and in-depth behavioral analysis to prevent targeted attacks as well as new, never-before-seen types of threats, especially ransomware.

• Ensures infection-free company communications and collaboration
• Minimizes adverse effects of unsolicited messages on everyday productivity
• Prevents incoming external emails from being used as a channel for targeted attacks

This product is delivered as a service, with a dedicated management web-console that’s accessible anywhere.

ESET brings over 30 years of technology-driven innovation and provides the most advanced cybersecurity solutions on the market. Our modern endpoint protection is powered by unique multilayered security technologies, combined with the continuous use of machine learning and cloud computing. Backed by the world’s best threat intelligence and research, ESET products offer the perfect balance of prevention, detection and response capabilities. With high usability and unparalleled speed, we are dedicated to protecting the progress of our customers, ensuring maximum protection. For more details explore
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Приложение ESET Cloud Office Security сможет:
Просмотр, создание, изменение и удаление всех файлов на Google Диске
Чтение, создание и отправка писем, а также безвозвратное удаление всех сообщений в Gmail
Просмотр информации о клиентах
Просмотр клиентских доменов
Просмотр групп в домене
Просмотр организационных подразделений в домене
Просмотр данных о пользователях вашего домена
Просмотр основного адреса электронной почты вашего аккаунта Google
Просмотр ваших личных данных, в том числе общедоступных
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