`eSignAnyWhere` helps you create digital signature processes on eSignAnyWhere directly from your Gmail attachment or from your Drive document.
Fortegnelse opdateret:7. september 2021
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You can choose which PDF attachment want to sign, the recipients that have to take part in the signature process, and then you are ready to go.

How the Gmail Add-on works:

- Start by installing eSignAnyWhere from the Google Marketplace
- Open any email containing a PDF document and click on eSignAnyWhere icon on the right toolbar
- Log-in on eSignAnyWhere (if you are not already logged in) by pressing LOG IN
- Select PDF attachments and recipients that will be part of the digital signature process
- Specify additional information for the digital signature process if you would like and press the button CREATE DRAFT
- That's it! Press OPEN DRAFT button to open the eSignAnyWhere web editor to start the signature process and sign the documents

How the Drive UI integration works:

- Start by installing eSignAnyWhere from the Google Marketplace
- Open Google Drive and select the PDF document/s that you want to sign in eSignAnyWhere
- From the file context menu, select Open with -> eSignAnyWhere
- You'll be automatically redirected to Log-in (if you are not already logged in)
- The eSignAnyWhere web editor will be shown
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