Turn your Google Form™ into a powerful tool to manage event registrations! EventForm provides features like a website, registration and reminder emails, ticket sales, capacity limit, waitlist & more.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:20 grudnia 2024
Współpracuje z:
16 tys.+
EventForm (Beta) extends the benefits of using Google Forms™ for event registration, making it an even more powerful experience. With EventForm integrated into Google Forms™, event organizers can streamline and automate event registration for business and personal events of up to 500 attendees. Continue using the best of Google Forms™ to collect registration information, but let EventForm take over where Google Forms™ stops with time-saving and impactful features such as a customizable website for your event, ticket sales, registration window, participant approvals, waitlisting, event calendaring, notifications and reminders, attendance management, post-event emails and more.  Read on to learn about all of EventForm’s amazing features and benefits:

Event Website:
Each and every event managed with EventForm gets its own modern, customizable website hosted on eventform.com with an easily shareable link. Your event’s website will reflect its important information (start/end date and time, summary, description), as well as allow for a custom theme and optional video. Your guests will be impressed with how professional your event looks, whether viewing on a laptop, tablet or phone.

Automated Registration:
When your registration window opens, your event’s website will allow participants to click a “Register” button, taking them directly to your Google Form™ where they can sign-up. Per your choice, they will either receive an immediate, automated confirmation email, or a notice that their registration will be approved once you’ve reviewed it. Want to limit attendance? No problem. Just configure a maximum number of attendees, and an optional waitlist. When the registration window closes, or if your event reaches full capacity, the website will automatically disable the registration button for you with a helpful message. And no need to send out reminder emails or a post-event email yourself, because EventForm takes care of all that for you automatically.

Ticket Sales:
EventForm integrates seamlessly with Stripe, fully automating payments, refunds, notifications and payment status updates. Accept all major credit cards, local payment methods relevant to your country, Apple Pay and Google Pay.  Not using Stripe? No problem. Just provide EventForm with your personal payment link (i.e. Venmo or Paypal) and attendees will be informed about how to pay and sent payment reminders. You can then manually update their payment status within EventForm.

All of your event and registration data is securely stored only within your Google Drive™. We do not store your data outside of your Google™ environment. We understand that some of your events might be only for your team, collaborators, or a limited set of stakeholders, and so you’d like to keep event information confidential. Not only will your event website never be listed on any marketplaces or directories, but for additional protection you may secure your event website with a password - making it  only available to you and your guests. You can also decide to approve each registration manually to ensure that only guests who meet certain requirements are admitted to your event. And we will only share your virtual conference or live streaming information only with guests who are approved to attend your event.

Integrates Seamlessly with Google Workspace™:
EventForm seamlessly leverages Google Forms™, Gmail™, Google Calendar™, Google Drive,™ Google Sheets™, and YouTube™ to automate event registration. With this approach you can continue using Google tools you already use without needing to use any new tools or services for event registration. Your events will appear within your Google Calendar™ and your event’s calendar invitations will come from your Google™ account. All of the event notifications, updates and reminders will come from your Gmail™ account and any responses will go to your Gmail™ inbox. You’ll be able to leverage any Google Form™ for your event, and include as many questions as you’d like. Want to slice and dice your registrations data to better understand your guests? Just export the registrations into Google Sheets™. Lastly, if you’d like to entice your potential audience with a video about your event, you can embed a YouTube™ or a Vimeo™ video within your event website with an easy copy/paste of the video’s embed tag.

EventForm is currently free while in Beta. If we do charge in the future, it will be significantly more cost-effective than our competitors.

Keywords: event form, event registration, event management, events for Google Forms, certify'em, certifyem
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Wyświetlanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie tylko określonych plików na Dysku Google używanych w tej aplikacji
Wyświetlanie formularzy na Dysku Google i zarządzanie nimi
Wyświetlanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie wszystkich Twoich arkuszy kalkulacyjnych z Arkuszy Google
Wysyłanie e-maili w Twoim imieniu
Wyświetlanie i edytowanie wydarzeń we wszystkich kalendarzach
Wyświetlanie i pobieranie wszystkich kalendarzy, do których masz dostęp w Kalendarzu Google
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