Create attractive, interactive charts directly from your spreadsheet data.
Ficha actualizada:9 de octubre de 2024
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Información general
Create interactive charts directly in Google Sheets

Whether you are a journalist, researcher or business executive, sharing your data through attractive, interactive charts is now simpler than ever. With everviz for Google Sheets, you can easily create charts directly from your spreadsheets. 

everviz empowers journalists and publishers with a tool to enrich stories with engaging interactive visualizations. Simple to use and no need for programming skills. Create brand consistent charts with cutting edge accessibility functions to reach out to a bigger audience.

Get started
The add-on requires an everviz account you can create immediately after the installation. Choose the data you want to include in your chart and click the “Create chart” button. This will create an interactive chart which you can customize with the power of everviz. Publish your chart and embed it to a website.

By installing the add-on, you agree to the everviz Privacy Policy

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