Evidos makes it possible to easily create your contract and directly send it out to get it signed with the right digital evidence. we make sure that your signers are identified on a high level.
Дата оновлення:12 вересня 2023 р.
2 тис.+
What can Evidos' Google Add-on do?

Digital signing offers many advantages. With the Evidos Google Add-on you can have your documents electronically signed quickly, easily and legally, directly from Google Workspace. You can prepare and send documents for signature directly in Google Docs or Gmail, the programs you already work with. Easily add a verification method like Scribble, Itsme or IDIN to ensure the person signing is the intended signatory. 

Advantages of the Google Add-on

- Sign or send documents within one minute.
- Legally binding signatures that meet all extensive requirements for digital signatures. 
- Add verification methods like Scribble, itsme, IDIN and others.
- Send documents to one or more signatories directly from your familiar Google environment, no need to switch between apps or pages.
- Sign incoming documents and send the signed versions back, all without leaving your Gmail inbox.
- Do you regularly ask a contact person for a signature? Create an address book with ‘favorite contacts’.
- Decide and control who receives signed documents and transaction receipts.

Get started for free

Evidos offers the opportunity to get started for free with 10 test credits. Experience the convenience of the digital signature immediately, free of charge and without any obligation. Creating an account is easy at: www.evidos.com 

How to get started

1.	Download the Evidos Google Add-on in the Google Workspace Marketplace.
2.	Create your free Evidos account on www.evidos.com.
3.	Generate a user token in the Signhost web portal and enter the token in the Google Add-on: https://intercom.help/evidos/en/articles/132093-how-do-i-generate-a-usertoken 

About Evidos

Evidos stands for Evidence in Online Services, doing business on the internet securely. Evidos is market leader in providing digital signature and digital identity solutions. Our solutions enable you to do business securely on the internet, save costs, and deliver your products and services faster and more efficiently. For 20 years we have been actively involved nationally and internationally in the latest standards, legislation and techniques for digital signatures and identification. We comply with the most important current legislation: eIDAS, SOCII and ISO 27001. Evidos has more than 2500 customers worldwide, from multinational to small businesses.
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Додатку Evidos буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Evidos зможе:
Перегляд документів, у яких установлено цей додаток, і керування ними
Перегляд ваших електронних листів, коли доповнення запущено
Запуск як доповнення для Gmail
Під’єднання до зовнішніх служб
Перегляд країни, мови та часового поясу
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
Переглядайте особисту інформацію, зокрема всі відомості, які зробили загальнодоступними
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