Create VCF files from your spreadsheet or Excel document.
Дата оновлення:5 лютого 2025 р.
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The Excel to vCard Add-on helps you export contact lists from Google Sheets into VCF file(s).

The vCard file, also known as VCF, is a universal format for storing contact details such as a contact’s name, phone number, email, etc. VCF files are usually attached to email messages or exchanged in other ways, such as instant messaging. Your mobile phone, whether Android or iOS, accepts this list of contacts in VCF format and will import it to your mobile phone book.

Whether you are looking to share a student list with your staff or trying to get your client contacts into the phone book, the Excel to vCard Add-on can help.

With Excel to vCard Add-on, you will:

- Export the contact list directly from your spreadsheet
- Avoid software installations or unknown websites
- Save the hassle and many unnecessary clicks.
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Додатку Excel to vCard буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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