AI-powered tool for quick, accurate web research on companies. Get started
Дата оновлення:5 жовтня 2024 р.
Extruct AI for Google Sheet™ is a tool designed to simplify web research tasks. It is powered by Extruct, a platform that uses autonomous AI Agents to streamline information gathering from the Internet.

With the Extruct Google Sheet™ add-on, you can perform diverse companies' research tasks. Use cases include Market Research, B2B Prospects Research, or Investment Opportunity Analysis. Provide a list of companies or organizations and a set of questions, and let Extruct take care of the rest. It turns raw data from the web into valuable insights, saving you time and effort.

This add-on is perfect when you have a list of companies (market research targets, B2B prospects, investment opportunities) and need immediate, accurate, and verifiable answers to custom questions. You might want to know the company's mission, its founding date, location of its HQ, VC funding details, available pricing plans, key funding rounds, major competitors, and much more. The possibilities of what you can ask are extensive as long as the answers are available on the Internet.

To use the add-on, you need to provide a list of companies to analyze and a list of questions to answer, then call the =EXTRUCT(question) function. Extruct will process all your questions in the background and render the answers in your Google Sheet™ in just a few minutes. With Extruct, you can conduct quick, accurate research and save hours that would otherwise be spent on manual data collection.

Try the Extruct Google Sheet™ Add-on today, and take your research tasks to the next level.

Google Sheet™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
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