1-click motor carrier inspection in your Gmail™ window
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:23 Ağustos 2024
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E-Z POD is designed for freight brokers using Gmail™ as their primary negotiation tool. It equips you with essential information about motor carriers to enhance decision-making, save time, and boost profits.

E-Z POD will first recognize the MC# from the conversation with the carrier and provide all necessary data from FMCSA. This includes Name, active or inactive status of their authority, address, MC registration date, insurance amount on file, inspection count, out-of-service inspections, and more. You can customize the shortlist to display the most relevant data, and access to additional information will require just one more click. No need to search through multiple websites – all the information you need will be visible right next to the Gmail™ conversation window.

For each carrier you've worked with, you can assign a Carrier Performance Grade in our 5-grade system, ranging from - Do Not Use to - Excellent. These grades also appear as Gmail™ labels next to incoming emails. So, when you have a hot load and need a reliable carrier ASAP, you won't end up rushing through 20 emails received 30 seconds after posting the load. You can sort them based on their performance grade, skip the Do Not Use ones, and go straight to the carrier you need. Sounds good, doesn't it?

The next aspect of the freight broker's daily routine that E-Z POD focuses on is negotiations. Carriers have different negotiating strategies. That's why E-Z POD will show you on which lanes the carrier asked for load info. You can see how many steps were involved in the negotiation process, your starting price, their starting price, and the agreed rate (if there was any). This way, you can prepare a better negotiating strategy and close the deal easier and faster.

Whenever you're working on multiple loads and don't have all the rates at the top of your head, E-Z POD, based on the conversation, will recognize the lane the carrier is asking about. It will show you carriers that have already completed a shipment for you on this lane, the agreed rate, and how long ago it was. So you can know exactly where the price point for this lane is.

E-Z POD is a tool to make your work as a freight broker easier, more efficient and profitable. If you want to get a free trial with full access, please send us an email at subscription@e-zpod.com.
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Eklentiyle etkileşimde bulunduğunuzda taslakları yönetme ve e-posta gönderme
Eklenti çalışırken e-posta iletilerinizi görüntüleme
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