EZHotDesk.com allows you to create hot desking spaces in your office and give employees a self service portal to ad-hoc book those hot desks.
Дата оновлення:4 листопада 2021 р.
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EZHotDesk.com allows you to create hot desking spaces in your office and give employees a self service portal to ad-hoc book those hot desks. Power your companies hybrid work program by allowing employees to book their in office work days. EZHotDesk.com allows you to:

- Allow employees to book and cancel hot desk bookings
- Create hot desks with flexible booking criteria ( ex. minimum days in advance, require approval from an admin )
- Add your companies regular opening and closing hours, as well as days the office is closed
- As an admin manage and view bookings across the company
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ЦіниБезкоштовна пробна версія
Статус продавця не вказано
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