*** IMPORTANT *** ezNotification will be replaced by onleenotification our new Google Workspace add-on. => https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/onleenotification/519564219685 This change take place due to some change on Google Drive API restricted scope and Activty API. This new app will work as ezNotification and you will benefits of the Google Workspace Add-on integration. ezNotifications will let you be notified of changes in a Google Sheets. You will be able to activate notifications in any Google sheet to receive an email with list of people who made changes. *** NEW FEATURES for OWNER *** Notify Editors of changes Notify Readers and Commentators of chnages Be alerted if someone change the title of the sheets *** During Beta, ezNotifications for Docs is free, after to help us maintain the app owner options will be in the paid version *** #Owner options As an owner of the document you will be able to activate optons to notify also editors and Commentators/Readers and if the title has been chnaged. #Frequency of notifications You can setup 2 frequency : - Daily at the hours you want. - Hourly