Create a custom Self Sign-Up form for your Makerspace or Fab Lab using Google Forms™ and Fabman
정보 업데이트:2024년 12월 19일
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This plugin allows you to turn a Google Forms™ page into a self sign-up page for your Makerspace or Fab Lab and automatically add members to your Fabman account.

Here’s how it works:
1. Create a form with all the questions you want to ask your soon-to-be members.
2. Use this plugin to automatically create a new member in your Fabman account whenever someone fills out the form. You can choose which answers get saved into the Fabman member’s data (like name, address, phone number).
3. Embed the sign-up form into your website or share the link to it with your audience.
Fabman Self Sign-Up에서 아래에 표시된 권한을 요청합니다. 자세히 알아보기
Fabman Self Sign-Up에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
이렇게 하면 Fabman Self Sign-Up에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
Google Drive에서 양식 확인 및 관리
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기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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