Fast Form On/Off is a very useful Google Forms™ Add-on useful to limit the number of responses in a Google Form™. You can also use the Fast Keyboard option to add specials characters in the form. Fast Keyboard let you add special character in few seconds in Google Forms™. You can add Subscript and Superscript very fast. You can add maths functions like x²+y²=25 You can also add Emojis. You can Set On or Set Off your Google Form™ to a specific Date and Time. You can also use Fast Form On/Off to stop accepting new responses after the number you decide. Finally, you can configure this app to receive notifications for your Google Form™ after a specific number of responses (5, 10, or 20). Turn on or turn off a Google Form™ is very useful! Available Options 1) SetOn et SetOff You can schedule the closing and opening at a specific date and time of your Google Form™ with the SetOn and SetOff option. 2) Stop Accepting Responses After... You can stop accepting responses after a certain number. You can configure that number in the application using the StopAfter function. 3) Notifications You can receive notifications after each 5, 10 or 20 responses in your Google Form™ by using the Notification feature. The add-on is available in the Google Market Place for Google Forms™. You can now use the new Ultimate version for UNLIMITED setOn or setOff actions. David Beauchesne