FeedbackSheet was designed for teachers to make it easier to leave user defined feedback on documents and record this in a sheet.
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FeedbackSheet makes it quick and easy for teachers to leave feedback on students work.  It takes user defined feedback from a Google Sheet, and adds selected comments to the document. It also records their use on the sheet (adding a link back to the document), so you can track task completion.

Google Classroom has been great for making the work setting process easier for teachers – but then you need to give feedback on this work and this is still a time consuming process. Much of this feedback is similar – this extension helps to make it easier for teachers to use a common bank of comments. At the same time the sheet allows teachers to group feedback and pick up on any common errors in the work. Using the sheet you can decide on further intervention for individual or groups of students.Once set up the process of leaving feedback on a Google Doc (especially those set in Google Classroom) is much quicker.

Key Features:
- Individual teachers can decide their own feedback and have separate sheets for each class, project or assignment, changing the sheet in the document sidebar as needed.
- Google sheets containing feedback can also be shared across staff in the same department, faculty or the whole school – when any teacher use it the feedback would be recorded.
- The sheet contains details of what feedback was given and what each piece of work contained – including links back to the original document.
- Feedback can be placed at the top, current location or just used to record to the sheet.

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Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina dokument i Google Dokument
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En FeedbackSheet-användare
15 april 2020
Enkelt, snyggt och smidigt sätt att ge eleverna formativ feedback direkt i deras Google Docs och samtidigt ha överblick över hela klassens prestation.
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