Tired of searching for files in Google Drive mess? Get your Drive clean & tidy with Filemove automations. Your files will be in the right place, finally.
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How many times you or your teammate put the file in the wrong folder or name the file the wrong way? 

With Filemove you can fix that. Pick files by 
	- name, 
	- extension, 
	- owner 
	- and more

and define actions that will keep them where their place is and name them as they should be named. Just set up automations and don't worry about it. Filemove will take care of it.

Filemove observes your Google Drive files and perform actions on them based on your previously defined rules. It indetifies files based on certain fields and act when these rules said so. Filemove will keep your Google Drive clean & tidy for a long run.
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O Filemove - Organize Google Drive with automations pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O Filemove - Organize Google Drive with automations precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Filemove - Organize Google Drive with automations faça o seguinte:
Ver, editar, criar e excluir todos os seus arquivos do Google Drive
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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