Quickly list all the files of a Google Drive folder in a spreadsheet, and automatically display it in an Awesome Table view.
Informações atualizadas:19 de março de 2024
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Files Cabinet by Awesome Table is an add-on that helps you list a Google Drive folder. It explores every child folder and lists every file that can be found. After giving you a quick count of all the folders and all the files, you get a list of the files that are ready to be displayed in a catalog created with Awesome Table.


You can also add some meta-data on the sheet (by adding a column at the end of the sheet). Files Cabinet will match entries and keep the data you entered. It can be very useful if: 
- You're working with collaborators on a folder and want to keep track of what file is completed, and what has to be finished
- You're displaying an album of your holidays, and want to know who's on the pictures: simply add a "People" column at the end of the sheet, and fill it with the names of people appearing on the pictures. After updating the list, the column will still match the entries.
- You're displaying your music library, stored in Google Drive, and want to give a rating to every track or to display the cover of the album. Update the list, these information will remain on the sheet and in the Awesome Table view.


Files Cabinet automatically creates an Awesome Table view that uses a template and a custom css (example here: https://goo.gl/hyqYRi). But if you're into customization, just give a quick look at the Awesome Table documentation (https://goo.gl/uf6v7a) and set your imagination free!


Even if you have a huge Google Drive, Files Cabinet will find its way. It can list thousands of files and is only limited to the size of the spreadsheet (two million cells) - which means up to 100 000 files! Just leave the sidebar open and wait for the spreadsheet to be filled. If you have a bigger Drive, and wish to list it, feel free to contact us.

Files Cabinet does not keep neither use any of your data after they were listed.
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O Files Cabinet by Awesome Table precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Files Cabinet by Awesome Table faça o seguinte:
Ver informações sobre seus arquivos do Google Drive
Ver e baixar todos os seus arquivos do Google Drive
Ver, editar, criar e excluir todos os seus arquivos do Planilhas Google
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Um usuário do Files Cabinet by Awesome Table
4 de fevereiro de 2020
Greate and straight forward! Congrats for the team! But it is now missing the 'named versions' (may be just the most recent?) information on the created table, Can you add it?
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