Add-on copies content of Source Folder into Destination Folder. If Source Folder does not exit, copy will stop. Add-on will search for Destination Folder in Drive, if it exists, all files will be copied into the folder. If it doesn't a new folder will be created. Files with View Only, will get copied. Google Sites, and My Maps will not get copied. Check 'Keep Stats' to track copied Files/Folders on Sheet. Turn 'Notifications Off' to stop getting warning messages. Make a Zip copy of the Destination Folder for download.
Fungerer med:
Add-on copies content of Source Folder into Destination Folder.
If Source Folder does not exit, copy will stop.
Add-on will search for Destination Folder in Drive, if it exists, all files will be copied into the folder. If it doesn't a new folder will be created.
Files with View Only, will get copied.
Google Sites, and My Maps will not get copied.
Check 'Keep Stats' to track copied Files/Folders on Sheet.
Turn 'Notifications Off' to stop getting warning messages.
Make a Zip copy of the Destination Folder for download.
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Files & Folders Copier kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir Files & Folders Copier tillatelse til å:
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
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