Get your financial house in order with FinanceFixx and Investing Fixx, the money skills programs from Jean Chatzky and HerMoney. The programs include coaching, educational content, and powerful tools.
Get your financial house in order with HerMoney's money skills coaching programs.  Every single one of us has a superpower. Jean’s is taking the complicated world of money and explaining it in ways we can all understand. That’s true whether she’s doing a three-minute segment on TV or giving a 45-minute keynote, writing a book or composing a tweet. And it has never been more important.

FinanceFixx. Like it or not, we all have more responsibility for our financial lives than any generation that came before us. The FinanceFixx program focuses on the specific things we have to do if we want to be able to create the lives we want, support the people we love and — this is key — stress a little less about the future.  When you sign up for FinanceFixx, we'll dig deep to define your money goals and motivations so you can understand the WHY behind your habits and change them. You'll be working with a coach as well as with a group of like-minded people starting the FinanceFixx program the same time as you. Everyone will work together to learn Jean's approach to managing money successfully. During the eight-week program, you’ll also be working with a Google Sheets spreadsheet template called the FinanceFixx Journal to import and analyze your spending and savings transactions. 

InvestingFixx. You've Fixxed up your finances. Now let's Fixx up your investments. More women are interested in investing outside of their retirement accounts, yet too many say they lack the confidence to get started.  If that’s you, then let’s learn to invest together. InvestingFixx is your learn-to-earn investing program, hosted by Jean Chatzky and Karen Finerman, a panelist on CNBC’s Fast Money. Expect more than just the basics. From stocks, bonds and ETFs to options, crypto and NFTs, you’ll learn the ins and outs of different types of investments, how to vet them and how to build a diversified portfolio. We’ll have weekly deep dives on different topics, webinars with industry experts, active chat rooms, community events and more.  And it's more than just talk. We’re going to take action and invest in a group portfolio together. You’ll help us choose investments and, if you’d like, manage a portfolio of your own alongside ours, using a special investing version of our Journal. We’ll see who does better!  

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