FinWorth is a tool to track your investment portfolio and your household income and expenditure.
Informações atualizadas:15 de setembro de 2024
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FinWorth is suitable for the wealth-building stage of investing and is intended for long-term investors. FinWorth is inspired by the FIRE movement – Financial Independence Retire Early.

Your financial information is not stored with us – it is stored in your FinWorth spreadsheet in your own Google account. Your money is not invested with us – you invest independently using your own investment platform, as you would normally – and FinWorth is used to help answer questions like the following:


- What is my investing portfolio’s total balance? How much money is in my Stocks & Shares ISA / SIPP / Crypto account?
- FinWorth keeps track of your funds’ latest market prices and calculates your portfolio valuation based on the number of units/shares you own.
- How much (return) has my portfolio made since I started investing?
FinWorth subtracts the amount you have invested and estimated fees to calculate your return – your profit.
- What is the average annual rate of return of my whole investing portfolio since I started investing, taking into account all of my (buy/sell) trades?
- Which of my funds are performing well/poorly?
- I want to see a graph of one of my investment’s market price over time.
- What is the latest rate of inflation? FinWorth shows a graph of  inflation (CPI) over the last 10 years.
- What is the average annual rate of return of each holding I own, since I started investing in it, taking into account all of my trades?
- What is the average annual rate of return above inflation of each holding I own, since I started investing in it?
- What is average annual rate of return of each holding in the last 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years?
- Approximately how much have I been charged by my investing platform?
- What is the sum of all my trading costs?
- What is my portfolio’s current asset allocation, compared to my desired asset allocation?
- What percentage of my portfolio is in an index fund / bonds / crypto?
- What percentage of my portfolio is invested in North America / UK ?
- What are the top companies I am invested in?
- How many companies am I invested in? How many companies does each security invest in?
- What sectors am I invested in? e.g. Technology, Health Care, Property
- How many units do I need to buy/sell in each holding to rebalance my portfolio to achieve my desired asset allocation?
- How many units do I need to buy only in each holding to rebalance my portfolio to achieve my desired asset allocation?
- What was the market price of the fund when I purchased some units in March 2021?

Supported Securities
- Unit Trusts / OEICs
- ETFs
- Investment Trusts
- Stocks
- Crypto
- Cash


FinWorth has a comprehensive list of household expenses, including food, drink, transport, communication, restaurants and education with default amounts from the ONS so that you don’t start with a blank slate and can enter your own figures over time.


FinWorth does not currently:

- include the concept of a General Investment Account (GIA). FinWorth allows the recording of trades in a stocks & shares ISA, SIPP or crypto account.
- include dividends. If you invest in accumulation (ACC) funds (in which dividends are automatically reinvested), rather than income (INC) funds (in which you receive dividend payments), then this limitation is unlikely to be an issue.
- take account of changes in a platform’s (percentage) fees over time. The percentage fee is assumed to be the same in the past as the current percentage you specify.

Up to 5 holdings: Free
6+ holdings: £9 / month
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