A Gmail Add-on to sync emails with your FireHawkCRM account
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The FireHawkCRM Add-On for Gmail helps you keep track of your communications by syncing your emails with contacts and clients found in your FireHawkCRM team.

How the Add-on works:
- Start by installing the FireHawkCRM Gmail Add-on.
- Open any email and click on the FireHawk logo in the right-hand side of your inbox.
- FireHawkCRM will automatically search for existing contacts in your team matching the email addresses on the current email.
- Choose a contact you would like to associate the email with. It will automatically save the email against the client connected to that contact.
- If the contact is connected to multiple clients, you will be prompt to select a client first.

About FireHawkCRM:
FireHawkCRM is a Real-Time Customer Relationship Management tool that allows you to manage your Teams, Clients, Projects, time tracking, and more. We are continuously developing our products and integrating more systems as we move forward.
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Detta ger FireHawkCRM behörighet att:
Visa e-postmeddelanden när tillägget körs
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Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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