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Study anything w/ flashcards. Create printable flashcards with Google Sheets™+Docs™. Perfect for students + teachers. Create decks with AI. Spaced repetition & reverse study modes available.
Eintrag aktualisiert:2. Januar 2025
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The Flashcard Lab Google Sheets™ add-on is an app that helps you study anything from graduate entrance exams to new languages using randomized, customizable virtual flashcards. You can use Flashcard Lab to study for anything from the GREs, SATs, MCATs, GMATs, to new languages like Spanish and Korean. Cut your flashcard creation time by hours using AI to generate cards from source material like lecture notes, course content and more (currently supports PDFs).

Also, you can create printable flashcards using lists in Google Sheets™ directly to your Google Drive™ docs. This is perfect for teachers that need customized flashcards for their students.

🧪Core Features: 
    ✔️Study with randomized virtual flashcard testing
    ✔️Save hours by creating cards from PDFs using AI
    ✔️Spaced repetition study mode
    ✔️Create unlimited printable flashcards from Google Sheets™/Docs™
    ✔️Add images to flashcards for testing or to print out
    ✔️Create and add your own custom lists and headers
    ✔️Custom background and font colors with virtual cards
    ✔️English pronunciation
    ✔️Add synonyms and mnemonics to help memorization with hyperlinks
    ✔️Add words to a "Forgotten Words" list for re-testing
    ✔️Reverse flashcards (Answer/Prompt)
    ✔️Access to the mobile app

Free Google Play mobile app: 
Android -

Free Apple App Store mobile app:
iOS -

Free Chrome Extension:

We understand there are some questions regarding the permissions needed to use our add-on. To help address these concerns, we outlined exactly why each permission is needed. We aim to be as transparent as possible hoping to inform you that we have absolutely no intent of using the access you grant maliciously. Follow the link below to read on:

Use of the Flashcard Lab add-on is completely free but premium features like reviewing unlimited flashcards, adding unlimited images, and printing unlimited cards and AI capabilities require a payment. Click on the "Upgrade to Premium" dropdown option to check the pricing of the add-on. 

For non-profit organizations and teachers: discount offered for bulk purchases. Email for more information.

📘 Change log:
1/2/2025: Add AI capability to make cards from PDFs, various bug fixes
12/9/2024: Make printable flashcards bug fix
11/29/2024: Minor UI changes
11/22/2024: Add image to back of card, minor bug fixes
9/12/2024: Add animations and make front/back formatting consistent
9/9/2024: Add hot keys for showing hints and synonyms
9/6/2024: Fix flashcard editor empty sheet bug
8/27/2024: Implement card edit during review
8/9/2024: Fix add to forgotten list minor bug
7/18/2024: Add font alignment toggle
6/12/2024: Fix image uploading function in card editor
5/12/2024: Hyperlink support for synonyms/subtext and mnemonics/hints, custom background colors and font colors/sizes for virtual cards, minor bug fixes
3/22/2024: Minor UIUX improvements
3/7/2024: Fix contact form
11/9/2023: Update with link to iOS mobile app
10/17/2023: Fix generating printable cards (
10/2/2023: Allow toggling ordered/randomized review
9/12/2023: Improve server response robustness
8/22/2023: Improve error display
7/26/2023: Added more text capability on front of card
7/11/2023: Added more text capability on back of card
7/7/2023: Update confirmation message
6/1/2023: Add ability to reverse flashcards (answer/prompt) when reviewing
5/31/2023: Add audio pronunciation capability
5/28/2023: Improve card back display when printed
5/11/2023: Fix synonym display in back of card.
4/21/2023: Update shortcut keys.
4/18/2023: Introduce spaced repetition study mode.
3/31/2023: Improve flashcard review flow and minor UI updates.
3/21/2023: Improve UI.
3/12/2023: Remove beta feature
3/7/2023: Update error logging
2/23/2023: Fix minor layout bugs
2/21/2023: Initial implementation for creating flashcards using automation
2/3/2023: Fix sheet names not found
2/2/2023: Enable arrow keys for navigating testing
1/30/2023: Update how-to guide
1/29/2023: Handle permissions bug
1/25/2023: Fix date format bug in flashcard data
12/19/2022: Implement ability to add images to the "front" of flashcards/
12/14/2022: Update to freemium, minor UI updates.
12/7/2022: Improve printable flashcards formatting to utilize more space, fix bugs, handle header customization better. 
10/17/2022: Implement customizable headers
9/4/2022: Update code.
7/27/2022: Increased max word length for physical flashcards.
7/13/2022: Updated permissions needed.
7/5/2022: Add feedback portal.
6/24/2022: Fix tutorial display bug for lower resolutions.
6/22/2022: Initial publish
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Die App „Flashcard Lab“ benötigt Zugriff auf Ihr Google-Konto
Dadurch erhält Flashcard Lab die folgenden Berechtigungen:
Google Docs-Dokumente aufrufen, bearbeiten, erstellen oder löschen
Tabellen abrufen und verwalten, in denen diese Anwendung installiert wurde
Externe Webinhalte in Aufforderungen und Seitenleisten in Google-Anwendungen anzeigen und ausführen
Primäre E-Mail-Adresse Ihres Google-Kontos abrufen
Personenbezogene Daten aufrufen, einschließlich aller Daten, die Sie öffentlich zugänglich gemacht haben
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