This interaction centre seeks to improve the level of actually free speech online, under the concept of so called, Social Media.
Fiche mise à jour le :9 novembre 2021
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This interaction centre seeks to improve the level of actually free speech online, under the concept of so called, Social Media. 

My personal belief is, that it is the professionals of societic sciences that should denote which types of communication models are, and ought allowed, so that, it is not for the commercial companies to alla sudden start drawing the lines on, and off, public speech. 

That is, why I am looking out for a communication and conversation contact platform that let's the person, the user itself decide which types of text to tolerate, which to ban out from their OWN view. 

Illegal content is of course a topic segregated, and ever permitted for reports on legal councils. 

Due to these factours we kindly ask not to use our communication platform on illegal content and/or out the policy interests. 
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsSans frais
Statut de professionnel non spécifié
Règles de confidentialité
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