Flomo Integration allows users to seamlessly record ideas and MEMOs from Google Workspace™ using our Flomo Integreation add-on. Save them to your Flomo account via the Flomo API.
정보 업데이트:2024년 7월 20일
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V.01.00 Released!

Flomo Integration: Record your ideas and MEMO with just a click to saved it to your Flomo Account.

What Is Flomo Integration?
Flomo Integration is a powerful Google Workspace™ add-on designed specifically for Google Workspace™ users. It bridges the gap between your creative ideas and your Flomo account, making it effortless to capture and organize your thoughts. You can even include the document URL that you are working on from Google Sheets™, Google Slides™ and Google Docs™.

Try Flomo Integration add-on for free for 3 months, then just $5/year per user. You are required to have Flomo Pro Account to use this Flomo Integration Add-On.

*Google Workspace™, Google Slide™, Google Docs™, Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
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