Want to move data from one spreadsheet to another? Don't write code to move data across the spreadsheets. Use FLOW. #Workflow #Automation #Merging
Informações atualizadas:27 de setembro de 2022
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Ever come across situations where you need to move data from one sheet to another sheet based on some condition and you don't know how to write app script codes for it? Well, you now do that just writing some simple rules. With just a few clicks you are going to write your first workflow.

Flow Out
Move data from one spreadsheet to another.
Cut, clear, and delete data.
Move based on complex conditions. 
Move data automatically by setting a time.
Move data on a form submit happens or when an edit happens.

Flow In
Also, connect with external API's and get data filled in the spreadsheet.
Connect with other spreadsheets and pull only the required data after filtering.

Do all these without writing any code.
Support: addon@elifent.tech

#Workflow #Automation #Merging
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