Simple Real Estate CRM Software. Respond Faster, Do More Follow Up, Set More Appointments, Close More Deals
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Follow Up Boss is simple real estate CRM software designed to support, and fuel the growth of ambitious real estate teams. With easy-to-use web and mobile apps, agents get more done, faster, and team leaders get more transparency into what's happening in their business.

Key Benefits:
* Gmail integration allows you to automatically sync all email communications with your leads and clients without having to bcc some weird CRM email
* Google Calendar 2-way sync makes setting appointments with your prospects a snap since you never have to leave Follow Up Boss to check your availability or get reminders on upcoming appointments
* Smart Lists remove the guesswork from managing your pipeline and deciding who to follow up with next
* Connected to over 200 different real estate lead providers so it can become the central hub of your lead management process
*Integrated 2-way texting through web and mobile apps
* Built-in business calling platform so you can manage all your core communications from one central spot
* Drag and drop deals pipeline with additional closed deal reports for agents and lead sources
* Built to scale your team since it's easy to onboard and train new agents on the system
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Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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