The custom function for Google Sheets™ calculates the sum, count, max, min, average, and other colored cells with the same background and text color.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:7 Ocak 2025
Şununla çalışır:
198 B+
Genel Bakış
Our addon for Google Sheets™ will allow you to calculate colored spreadsheet cells that have the same background (Fill color) and text color. Identify the maximum, minimum, sum, count (numbers), count (text),  average, countblank, product, mode, stdev,  var, and median values. Examine cell color and count the number of boxes left blank.

To Start Function by Color for  Google Sheets™ :
1. Install the addon
2. Open spreadsheet
3. Click the Extensions menu
4. Click Function by Color
5. Click Start
6. You will see a sidebar on the right side

How to use the function by color for  Google Sheets™.
1. Select Range and click “Select Range” input for the range to automatically add the input. For Example C3:C12
2. Select a cell and click “Select a cell” input for the cell to automatically change the “Text color” and “Fill color” or manually select “Text color” and Fill Color.
4. Select the cell (the result will be in this cell) and click “The result cell” input for the range to automatically add. For example F8
5. If needed check the “checkbox”. The resulting cell will be the same as the selected “Text color” and “Fill color”.
6. Select “Calculate In” input.
7. Click the “‘Apply Function” button.
The result should look like something like this:  =SUM(CELLSVALUEBYCOLOR(“#4a86e8″,”#0c343d”,”C3:C12″))

- Form Field Limit | Removal | Eliminator - allows you to add limits to paragraphs, short answers, dates, multiple choices, checkbox options, dropdowns, linear scales, times, and more in your Google Form™
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- Form Choice Limiter Limit | Choice Remove Removal developed to limit response counts for scheduled appointment options or limit response counts for multiple choice,  checkboxes, and dropdown question options. If the limit is reached the Form Choice remove option in the form. It is the most accurate and easy-to-use choice eliminator available in the marketplace.
- EWD Mail Merge | Document Mail | Slide Mail is built for Google Sheets™, Google Docs™,  Google Slides™, and Gmail™  in order to solve email sending campaigns so that every one of your recipients gets a personalized email.  Our Mail Merge can be used with Google Sheets, Documents, and Slides.  All your mail will be seen in the primary mail list avoiding spam, promotion, and social boxes.
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