Automate sales & marketing forecast calculations with this add-on. Get weekly, monthly, quarterly forecasts and pacing for business KPIs and marketing spend.
Дата оновлення:8 грудня 2022 р.

Are you tired of using outdated forecasting templates, creating pivot tables and doing multiple calculations using a mix of Excel formulas to manually forecast next month’s business KPIs every month and having to re-do these calculations when the trend changes?

What about trying to forecast your marketing spend on Google or Facebook/Instagram or Tik Tok at the beginning, middle, last week of the month to ensure you’re pacing at or below budget?

Or perhaps your forecasts in the past haven’t been very accurate and you’re looking for other methods to do your forecasting?

If any of the aforementioned scenarios describe your situation, Forecast Method may very well be the add-on you’ve been looking for.

Forecast Method is an add-on for Google Sheets™ that enables businesses to automate their forecasting process with a click of a button and provides their users with several forecasting methods so you can choose the method that most accurately forecasts your business results. 

This tool was created by a marketer and can be used for sales and marketing forecasting.

How it works

Input your raw daily data in a worksheet and click “Run Forecast” and you’ll generate a new worksheet that forecasts your KPIs for the next week/month/quarter from the last data point inputted.

You can turn historical raw data into a more insightful view with multiple forecast methods so you can choose the technique that most accurately forecasts your business KPIs.

Benefits & Features

- Save time by automating the analytical process of weekly, monthly, quarterly forecasting to help you plan sales quota, marketing KPI performance, budget, etc.
- See how you’re pacing for the month with month-to-date totals and in-month pacing based on daily KPI trends
- Track total marketing spend and how you’re pacing budget-wise on the various ad platforms such as Google AdWords™, Meta (Facebook/Instagram), or Microsoft (Bing) so you know if you’re pacing under or over budget
- Choose from multiple forecasting methods to better forecast your business KPI performance
- Each forecasting technique will adjust its forecast as more data comes in
- A new worksheet will be generated for each additional business KPI you want to forecast (just simply add another column)


Google Sheets™ and Google AdWords™ are trademarks of Google LLC
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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