Unlimited ✔ Email, ✔ Google Document and ✔Google Sheet notifications for your Google forms.
정보 업데이트:2024년 5월 19일
호환 기기:
FormNotifier is a versatile plugin for Google Workspace (G Suite), designed to work seamlessly with Google Forms. It allows you to set up notifications for  responses from Google Forms and save the details in Google Sheets and Google Docs.

With just a few clicks, you can set up flexible notifications for form submissions. 

Take your Google Form’s capabilities to the next level with FormNotifier. Stay updated with instant notifications whenever you receive a new response.

Based on the responses provided, email notifications can be directed to specific recipients. For instance, if your marketing department needs to receive the specific information about your customers' demographics, you can route the relevant fields to your marketing department.

Key features of FormNotifier include:

• Flexible form filters for customized notifications.
• Editable settings for personalized control.
• Multiple notification recipients to keep everyone in the loop.
• Customizable notification templates for tailored alerts.
• Automated thank-you email feature (coming soon).

FormNotifier is designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity!
Form Notifications - Form Notifier에서 아래에 표시된 권한을 요청합니다. 자세히 알아보기
Form Notifications - Form Notifier에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
이렇게 하면 Form Notifications - Form Notifier에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
모든 Google Docs 문서 확인, 수정, 생성, 삭제
앱에서 사용하는 특정 Google Drive 파일에 한해 확인, 수정, 생성, 삭제
Google Drive에서 양식 확인 및 관리
모든 Google Sheets 스프레드시트 확인, 수정, 생성, 삭제
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