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Fastest & cost-effective way to send Google form responses to Notion table ⚡️
정보 업데이트:2024년 7월 22일
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Using Form to Notion Add-on, you can embed Google Forms inside Notion and also store the responses collected by form inside Notion tables.

Form to Notion makes Google Forms look more beautiful inside Notion when you embed them. If you are creating public Notion pages for the organization or personal use, you will find these forms to be a great way to collect feedback, conduct quizzes, run surveys and much more. 
Basically, you are getting all the powers of Google forms, right inside Notion.

Notion tables are powerful databases that can be organised in different views including list, gallery, table, board and calendar. This flexibility helps you to understand your data better. By using our add-on, you can save a copy of the form responses in a Notion table of your choice. Questions in the form can be mapped to appropriate Notion properties of your table.

Our aim is to give you the best of two awesome products through our add-on and increase your productivity.

Top Features
1️⃣ Send Unlimited Form responses to Notion table
2️⃣ Embed beautiful forms inside notion page
3️⃣ Faster than Zapier and Automate.io for data syncing
4️⃣ No need to signup to another service other than Google and Notion
5️⃣ Easy and accurate connection to Notion fields


📚FAQ:  https://formtonotion.com/faq

✍️ Contact Us: https://reach.at/formtonotion

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