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Eliminate the gap between instruction and assessment with Formative.
정보 업데이트:2024년 5월 1일
호환 기기:
Formative eliminates the gap between instruction and assessment by giving teachers the tools they love and district leaders the data they need - all in one platform! Transform traditional lessons into data-informed, real-time assessments to ensure key learning opportunities are never missed. 

The Tools Teachers Love:
-Formative’s auto-grading functions and shared libraries save teachers time in and out of the classroom.
-Collaborative tools help teachers partner when assigning formatives or handling support and classroom management.
-Real-time data allows teachers to give students feedback in the moment. So key learning opportunities are never lost.
-Powerful features - audio and video embeds, question categorizing, submission timestamps, and many more - provide flexibility and stability in assessments across all subject areas and grade levels.

The Data Administrators Need: 
-Shared resources in the libraries support teacher workload, making onboarding subs and new teachers quick and easy while ensuring consistent coverage.
-Lessons and activities housed in the libraries are standard-aligned and accessible whether teachers and students are at home or in class.
-Advanced tracking provides teachers that start mid-year with data they can use to accurately assess how their classes have been progressing.
-Comprehensive integrations allow administrators to bundle all their favorite digital tools and content into just one platform.

The Formative Google Classroom™ Add-on is completely free to use throughout the duration of the Beta. 
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