Share forms and presentations via QR codes, set up email notifications for forms, and integrate with Slack to streamline responses.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:3 Ocak 2025
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FormConnect enhances your Google Forms™ and Google Slides™ by making it easier to share content, stay updated, and streamline your workflow.

What you can do:
★ Share forms and presentations via QR Codes: Generate and share QR codes for your forms and slides, allowing easy access with a simple scan.

★ Post forms and presentations' URLs instantly on your favorite social platforms.

★ Add QR Codes to Slides: Seamlessly insert QR codes into Google Slides™.

★ Set Up Email Notifications (Forms): Get detailed email notifications for new form submissions, ensuring you and the recipients you add see all questions and responses.

★ Send Responses to Slack (Forms): Automatically post form responses to Slack channels, keeping your team informed and responsive.

★ How to Get Started (Forms Users):
1. Access FormConnect from the Add-ons menu in Google Forms™.
2. Choose a feature: QR code sharing, Email notifications, or Slack notifications.
3. Configure settings like QR code styles (size, color, logo), email recipients, or Slack Webhook URL.
4. Share your form with a QR code, and let FormConnect handle notifications automatically.

★ How to Get Started (Slides Users):
1. Access FormConnect from the Extensions menu in Google Slides™.
2. Choose a feature: QR code sharing.
3. Configure settings like QR code styles (size, color, logo) to personalize your QR code.
4. Insert the QR code into an existing slide or a new slide.
5. Use the QR code to make your slides instantly accessible.

Best For:
★ For Businesses: Share presentations and collect customer feedback with ease, and stay updated on form submissions via email or Slack.

★ For Educators: Use QR codes to share quizzes, feedback forms, or presentation slides with students in just a few clicks.

★ For Teams: Keep everyone in the loop by integrating forms with Slack and adding QR codes to collaborative slide decks.

FormConnect is your all-in-one tool for efficient form sharing, presentation management, and response tracking. Simplify communication, enhance collaboration, and boost productivity with our add-on!
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Bu uygulamanın yüklendiği formları görüntüleme ve yönetme
Bu uygulamanın yüklü olduğu Google Slaytlar sunularını görüntüleme ve yönetme
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