Generate PDF from Google Forms™ response using Google Docs™ as template.
Zápis aktualizován:24. prosince 2024
8 tis.+
Merge Google Forms™ responses with Google Docs™ templates using Formesign's Fillable PDF addon (Formfillable). Create a customized, individual document for each respondent. Automatically sync the generated PDFs to your Google Drive™ folder or send via email when the user submits the form.


➤ Show a consent screen before the user submits the form and capture user consent with a single click
➤ Configure your form to show the form responses as a summary for review before submit
➤ Choose the preferred form layout and use it to easily generate a consent template that can be customized
➤ Design a personalized consent screen that align with your specific needs by creating templates in Google Docs™
➤ Automatically generate a PDF document based on the template and sync it to your Google Drive folder
➤ Merge form responses into the template to generate PDF documents and send them via email
➤ Send confirmation emails to the form respondents with the copy of the form response
➤ Set up notification emails to be sent to your team for new response
➤ Easily view and manage form responses using the Responses dashboard

▌When to use Fillable PDF addon?

➤ Document merge for form responses
Fillable PDF allows users to merge data collected through google forms with predefined document templates, allowing for the generation of customized, individual documents for each respondent. You can use Google Docs™ to easily create templates that align with your specific needs. These templates can be easily customized to reflect your organization's branding and other formatting requirements, ensuring a consistent and professional appearance. This efficient approach is often used for creating personalized reports, certificates, letters, or any documents that require data from form submissions.

Use cases: Waiver/Consent forms, Legal agreements, Invoices and receipts, Certificates for course completion, Tickets for event registration, scorecard reports for lead forms etc

➤ Tailored consent dialogs
Fillable PDF empowers users to integrate consent dialogs directly into their Google Forms™. By utilizing Google Docs™ templates, you can create personalized consent agreements that respondents must agree before proceeding. These dialogs are displayed with an "Agree" button, allowing respondents to provide their consent seamlessly. This button serves as an electronic signature equivalent for confirming agreement with the terms presented in the consent document.

Use cases: Patient intake form with informed consent & notice of privacy practices, Event registration with participant agreements, Contact forms with GDPR opt-in, Warranty forms with disclosures/disclaimers, clickwrap agreements etc

➤ Show summary before submit
Fillable PDF enables users to automatically show a summary of the form responses before submit. With this feature, respondents can review their responses easily before final submission, ensuring accuracy and completeness in a seamless and user-friendly manner. The review and confirmation step acts as a digital affirmation of the information's accuracy, eliminating the need for notarization. This is especially useful in forms where accuracy and completeness of the data is crucial.

Use cases: School application form, Scholarship application form, Club membership form etc

❇️ Pricing
Formesign's Fillable PDF addon is a paid product with a 7-day trial. The pricing starts at $18 per month. For details, refer to the pricing page. 
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Formesign - Fillable PDF požádá o oprávnění uvedená níže. Další informace
Formesign - Fillable PDF bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
Aplikaci Formesign - Fillable PDF tím umožníte:
Zobrazení a správa dokumentů, do kterých byla tato aplikace nainstalována
Zobrazení, úpravy, vytváření a mazání pouze konkrétních souborů na Disku Google, které používáte s touto aplikací
Zobrazení a správa formulářů, do kterých byla tato aplikace nainstalována
Zobrazování obsahu webů třetích stran ve výzvách a postranních panelech v aplikacích Google
Připojení k externí službě
Zjištění vaší primární e-mailové adresy účtu Google
Zobrazení vašich osobních informací včetně jakýchkoli osobních informací, které jste veřejně zpřístupnili
Přiřadit vaše osobní údaje na Googlu
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