Collect multiple signatures in Google Forms. Setup approval workflow for signatures.
Tiedot päivitetty:24. joulukuuta 2024
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
390 t.+
Google Forms™ allows you to easily create forms and collect responses from your users. But it doesn’t offer a native electronic signature feature. With Formesign's Signature workflow addon (Mailrecipe), you can accept legally binding electronic signatures directly from Google Forms™. This add-on simplifies the process of obtaining multiple signatures on important documents, contracts, and agreements.

❇️ Features

➤ Create your signature workflow in minutes with our setup wizard
➤ Get legally binding signatures in Google Forms
➤ Incorporate multiple signatures into your form effortlessly
➤ Collect notes and other additional details from the approvers
➤ Conveniently sign forms on any device including mobiles and tablets
➤ Design a professional looking form by customizing the layout, fonts, colors
➤ Customize the title for signature field and add description
➤ Mark signatures fields as required, optional, hidden or for office use
➤ View responses in Google Forms or sync it to Google Sheets
➤ Convert the form responses into a signed document
➤ Automatically sync the signed documents to your Google Drive
➤ Rename the synced files to include the respondent name or email
➤ Email signed documents to form respondents as well as collaborators

❇️ How to add signature workflow?

Open your form in Google Forms > click on the addon icon > click Signature workflow> click Configure e-signature > Setup wizard will be displayed > Enable the e-signature option and click Next > E-signature widget will be automatically added before the Submit button > click Add approval signature > Email approver setup wizard will be displayed > select the approver email field > update the subject, click Next > update the email, click Next > You can click on Add another approver or preview the form and test the approval workflow.

❇️ Benefits

➤ Legally binding signatures
Our eSignature feature ensures that signatures collected through Google Forms™ are legally binding, enabling users to sign contracts, agreements, and other legal documents online.

➤ Easy to use
Signature workflow simplifies the process of collecting multiple signatures, making it easy for users to obtain signatures without the need for complex software or third-party services.

➤ Saves time and money
Signature workflow eliminates the need for printing, scanning, and mailing documents, saving users time and money. The signed documents can be accessed and shared instantly, increasing efficiency.

❇️ Use cases for forms with signature workflow

HR: Onboarding and exit process requires collecting signatures on various documents from the employees and their supervisor, HR manager. For example, employment contracts, confidentiality agreements, performance appraisal, employee handbook and policies, time off requests, employee survey and feedback, training acknowledgement and more

Operations: Operations within an organization involve a wide range of processes that can benefit from the implementation of signature workflows. For example, internal audits and compliance checks, safety inspections and quantity assurance, change orders and service requests, work orders for equipment maintenance and repairs, vendor/supplier contracts and more

Finance: Signature workflows are essential in Finance to streamline process, enhance security and compliance. For example, expense reimbursements, loan and mortgage application forms, customer onboarding and KYC, vendor contracts etc

❇️ Pricing

Formesign's Signature workflow is a paid product with a 7-day trial.
➤ $38 for 100 responses per month
➤ $58 for 200 responses per month
➤ $98 for 300 responses per month

You can either choose the monthly or annual subscription. For details, refer to the pricing page. For higher volumes, write to us using the support link below.
HinnatMaksuton kokeilu
Formesign - Signature workflow pyytää sinulta alla mainittuja lupia. Lue lisää
Formesign - Signature workflow tarvitsee pääsyn Google-tilillesi
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Tarkastele ja hallinnoi asiakirjoja tällä sovelluksella
toimia Gmailin lisäosana
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yhdistää ulkoiseen palveluun
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nähdä Google-tilisi ensisijaisen sähköpostiosoitteen
nähdä henkilökohtaiset tietosi sekä kaikki sellaiset tiedot, jotka olet määrittänyt julkisiksi
yhdistää sinut Googlessa näkyviin henkilötietoihisi
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