Send customized Slack notification when anyone submits your Google Form™.
Informações atualizadas:20 de janeiro de 2025
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Send Google Form™ Submissions to Slack as Personalized Messages

Looking to streamline your Google Form™ submissions into Slack? SlackNotifier makes it simple! This Google Forms add-on, available in the Google Workspace Marketplace, is the perfect alternative to other Slack notification tools.

With SlackNotifier, you can set up Slack notifications for your Google Form™ submissions in just 3 easy steps and under 5 minutes.

How to Get Started with SlackNotifier
Step 1: Generate a Webhook URL
Create a Slack app, generate your webhook URL, and paste it into the SlackNotifier app.

Step 2: Customize Your Message
Write a message template and use placeholders like {{question}}, which will dynamically replace the question with the form responses.

Step 3: Save and Let SlackNotifier Handle the Rest
Save your settings, and SlackNotifier will automatically send personalized Slack notifications for every Google Form™ submission.

SlackNotifier is your reliable tool to send Slack alerts with ease, whether it's for team updates, customer responses, or event sign-ups.

Disclaimer: SlackNotifier is not affiliated with Slack Technologies, Inc.
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Termos de Serviço
O Formlinker - Slack pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O Formlinker - Slack precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Formlinker - Slack faça o seguinte:
Ver e gerenciar seus formulários no Google Drive
Exiba e execute conteúdo da Web de terceiros em prompts e barras laterais dentro dos aplicativos do Google
Conectar a um serviço externo
Permitir que este aplicativo seja executado quando você não estiver presente
Enviar e-mail como você mesmo
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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