Formplus is a smart tool that lets you create online forms, surveys, questionnaires, and custom documents for free.
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Join over 2000 people using Formplus to accelerate their business growth, increase employee productivity, carry out research, and many others. Perfect for both individuals and business owners (small & large), Formplus gives you access to all the work productivity and task automation tools you need.
Here are some of the ways you can use Formplus:
- Increase workplace productivity: Empower your organization by digitizing business processes, easing team collaboration, and improving business automation.
- Automate document creation: Automatically generate custom PDF or Word documents from your online forms with ease.
- Data Collection: Collect any kind of data you need using our dynamic data collection tools.
- Conduct market research: Make informed business decisions by creating market research surveys with Formplus
- Organize Exams & Computer-based tests: As an educator who often has to carry out student assessments, you can use Formplus to conduct exams and quizzes.
- Applicant Registration: Register applicants for an event, programme, course, etc., by creating registration forms with Formplus.
- Drag and drop builder: Enjoy a great form creation experience with our intuitive drag and drop form builder. With over 30 form fields, the possibilities are limitless.
- Form Customisation: Create visually appealing forms with or flexible design and customisation options.
- View real-time submission analytics: Receive actionable insights on your form responses with our automatically generated report and analytics.
- Email notifications: Receive real-time email notifications whenever you receive a form submission.
- Document Merge: Auto-generate tailored documents that are updated with form responses. This can be used to generate receipts that are automatically sent to customers.
- Payment options: Receive payments on your forms with our payment integrations—Paypal, Paystack, Stripe, and Flutterwave.
- and many others.
Formplus allows you to integrate your forms with over 2000 applications. Here are some of our top integrations
- Gmail
- Google Drive
- Google Sheets
- Dropbox
- Microsoft OneDrive
- PayPal
- Stripe
- MailChimp
- Google Calendar
- Trello, etc.
We have 500+ easily customizable templates to help you get started. Choose your preferred template from the available pool, then tailor it to your specific need. Below are some of our available templates:
- Product order form templates
- Survey & questionnaire templates
- Legal agreement templates
- Booking form templates
- Registration form templates
- Banking form templates
- Health form templates
- Customer feedback form templates
- Human resources form templates, etc.
- Free: The free plan allows you to use basic Formplus features at no cost. Free forever
21 day free trial: Enjoy all our advanced features for free within 21 days. No credit card required
- Starter: Available for as low as $20 when you subscribe to a yearly plan, this plan is perfect for individuals and small business owners with basic needs.
- Professional: Starting from only $36, it's good for small to medium businesses or individuals with extra needs.
- Platinum: At only $68, businesses can create powerful forms and enjoy all our robust features to address their advanced data collection needs.
Enjoy an additional 20% discount as a Non-profit. 
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This will allow Formplus to :
See, edit, create, and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this app
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See your primary Google Account email address
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