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Turn Google Forms™ into interactive chatbots for real-time user engagement and more innovative data collection.
Дата оновлення:25 лютого 2025 р.
Transform Google Forms™ into AI Chatbots with Ease

Forms to Chatbots simplifies the process of converting static forms into dynamic, conversational chatbots. Empowered by Jotform AI Chatbot Builder, this tool helps you create interactive chat experiences, streamline data collection, and enhance user engagement.

Key Features
🎨 Advanced customization and training: Use the Jotform AI Chatbot Builder to customize your chatbot’s responses, tone, and appearance. Train the chatbot with your data, FAQs, and business insights for highly personalized interactions.
⚡ Instant responses: Provide quick and accurate answers to frequently asked questions, such as business hours, product details, or policies, reducing the workload on your support team.
💬 Form assistance: Guide users through form completion with a conversational flow, ensuring accuracy and minimizing errors. This improves submission success rates and overall user satisfaction.
🎯 Customizable branding: Align the chatbot’s appearance with your website’s style by adjusting colors, fonts, and other design elements to create a cohesive, professional look.
🌐 Easy embedding: Integrate your chatbot on any webpage with a simple embed code. Place it strategically on landing pages, contact forms, or FAQ sections to provide targeted, real-time support.

How to use
- Install the Forms to Chatbots by Jotform from the Google Workspace Marketplace.
- Open your Google Forms™, click on the add-on menu, and select Forms to Chatbots by Jotform.
- In the popup window, click Create an AI Chatbot to begin converting your form.
- Once the conversion is complete, you’ll be redirected to the Jotform AI Agent Builder, where you can customize your chatbot.
- Customize your chatbot’s responses, appearance, and workflows to match your branding and user needs.
- Publish your chatbot and deploy it across multiple platforms to engage users wherever they are.

For assistance, contact Jotform Support at https://www.jotform.com/contact.
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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Додатку Forms to Chatbots by Jotform буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Forms to Chatbots by Jotform зможе:
Перегляд усіх ваших Google Форм
Перегляд форм, у яких установлено цей додаток, і керування ними
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