Formula dog helps product creators, marketers, and analyst to generate SQL and excel formulas to help them with their regular data analysis tasks.
Ficha actualizada:28 de febrero de 2023
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Información general is a powerful and user-friendly Google Sheets™ add-on designed to revolutionize the way product creators, marketers, and analysts work with Excel formulas. 
With its advanced AI model, provides instant access to a wide range of formulas, saving you valuable time and effort that would otherwise be spent searching online.
Whether you're working on complex calculations, analyzing data, or simply need to perform routine tasks, has you covered. 
Its intuitive interface lets you convert your english language text into formulas you need, without having to remember complex syntax or waste time searching for the right formula online.
With, you can streamline your workflow and focus on what really matters: getting the job done. 
Whether you're a seasoned Excel user or just starting out, this add-on is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to work smarter, not harder. 
So why wait? Get started with today and experience the power of efficient data analysis.
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