Trace Dependents and Precedents relations between the spreadsheet cells ranges and named ranges
정보 업데이트:2023년 12월 16일
호환 기기:
​Formula Tracer is a Google Sheets™ sidebar add-on. It traces inter dependencies between cells within the spreadsheet. These dependencies are also called Dependents and Precedents. It supports cell references to and by other cells, ranges and named ranges, enabling identify what cells are influenced or will be influenced by changes in other cells and to better understand the spreadsheet and date structure.​

Formula Tracer does not scan the data in the spreadsheet but only its formulas and only within the requested ranges. 

Each of the selected sheets is being scanned and analyzed separately and parallelly, enabling shorter analysis time.

Key features:
- Trace active cell dependents cells
- Trace active cell precedents cells 
- Trace dependents cells, when the formula refer their named ranges and not directly their address
- Trace named ranges dependents cells 
- Flexible search areas 
- Trace results per requested sheet 
- Result reference via named range indication in Active cell context 
- Hyperlinked results to navigate to resulted cell
- Optionally show results tooltips with cell(s) content
- Optionally, save results to spreadsheet
- Fully supports all A1Notations formats
- Parallel independent sheets scan processes
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